Instant Access Courses

Magic delivered as standard!   

Instant Access Classes

ShadowWeb Training - $44
Detach from your shadows

Success Codes: The Base Code $222

Magic of Receiving

7 day guided Bootcamp - $111

My Million Dollar Experiment, year long container - $250

Read Your resume in the Akashic records. $10

Angels & Guides Mediation

2 powerful meditations. $10

Empath Training 

7 Day Masterclass. $27

Love Energy - 3 Amazing Courses is one bundle. $97

Design, Make & Sell your own oracle deck Masterclass.  $49

Intuitive Tarot mini course - learn intuitive Tarot. $137

444 Archangel Activation - 3 powerful activations. $44

Get Selfish - The Way Is Through - AMAZON LINK

More Items Launching Soon! 

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BeMagic Manifested